Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Islam in Italy

Agus Subandi,Drs.MBA

Islam in Italy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Mosque in Milan.
The history of Islam in Italy dates back to the 9th century, when wars of expansion by North African states brought Sicily and some regions in Peninsular Italy into the Ummah. There was Muslim presence in these parts of Italy from 828 (Muslim conquest of Sicily) to 1300 (destruction of the last Islamic settlement of Lucera in Puglia). Thereafter, until the 1970s Islam was almost entirely absent in Italy.
In the 1970s, the first trickle of Somali immigrants from Somalia began arriving. In more recent years, there has been migration from Morocco, Egypt, and Tunisia.[1] Today there are approximately 1.5 million Muslims in Italy.[citation needed].
Islam is not formally recognized by the state despite being the second largest faith after Catholicism in Italy.[2] Other religions including Judaism and smaller groups such as the Assemblies of God, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Seventh-Day Adventists do enjoy official recognition in the form of signed agreements with the Italian government. Official recognition gives an organized religion a chance to benefit from a national "religion tax", known as the Eight per thousand.[3] In 2005, the Council for Italian Islam was founded by Italian Minister of the Interior;[4] the Council is composed of Muslim people. Strong disagreement between Council members stands its work.[5][6]
• 1 History
o 1.1 North Africans
 1.1.1 Conquest of Sicily
 1.1.2 Emirates in Apulia
 1.1.3 Invasions in Piedmont
 1.1.4 Sicily under the Normans
o 1.2 15th century: Ottomans in Otranto
 1.2.1 Attacks in the 16th century
• 2 Present situation
o 2.1 Mosques
o 2.2 Scholars
• 3 Organizations
• 4 See also
• 5 Notes and references
• 6 Further reading
• 7 External links

[edit]North Africans
Main article: History of Islam in southern Italy
The Italian island of Pantelleria (which lies between the western tip of Sicily and North Africa) was conquered by the Arabs in 700. The Arabs had earlier raided Roman Sicily in 652, 667 and 720 C.E.; Syracuse in the eastern end of the island was occupied for the first time temporarily in 708, but a planned invasion in 740 failed due to a rebellion of the Berbers of the Maghreb that lasted until 771 and civil wars in Ifriqiya lasting until 799. Arabian attacks on the island of Sardinia, less important than those on Sicily, failed to achieve its conquest although they induced its separation from the Roman Empire, giving birth to a period of Sardinian independence, the era of thegiudicati.[citation needed]
[edit]Conquest of Sicily
Main article: Emirate of Sicily
The magistrate of Sicily, who rebelled against the Roman Empire, had called on the Muslims (mentioned as Saracens in earlier texts by the Europeans) for help. To end the constant mutinies of his army, the Aghlabid magistrate of Ifriqiya sent Arabian, Berber, and Andalusian rebels to conquer Sicily in 827, 830 and 875, led by, amongst others, Asad ibn al-Furat. Palermo fell to them in 831, followed by Messina in 843, Syracuse in 878. In 902 the Ifriqiyan magistrate himself led an army against the island, seizing Taormina in 902. Reggio Calabria on the mainland fell in 918, and in 964 Rometta, the last remaining Byzantine toehold on Sicily.
Under the Arabs, agriculture in Sicily prospered and became export oriented. Arts and crafts flourished in the cities. Palermo, the Arabian capital of the island, had 300,000 inhabitants at that time, more than all the cities of Germany combined. At the beginning of the 11th century, Muslims made up half of the population of Sicily, with Arabs dominating the north of the island around Palermo and the Berbers predominating in the area around Agrigento in the south.

The battle at Ostia in 849 ended the third Arab attack on Rome.
[edit]Emirates in Apulia
From Sicily, the Muslims launched attacks on the mainland and devastated Calabria. In 835 and again in 837, the Duke of Naples was fighting against the Duke of Benevento and appealed to the Sicilian Muslims for help. In 840 Taranto and Bari fell to the Muslims, and in 841 Brindisi. Capuawas destroyed. Benevento, under Frankish protection at that time, was occupied 840-847 and again in 851-52. Arab attacks on Rome failed in 843, 846 and 849. In 847 Taranto, Bari and Brindisi declared themselves emirates independent from the Aghlabids. For decades the Muslims ruled the Mediterranean and attacked the Italian coastal towns. Arabs occupied Ragusain Sicily between 868 and 870.
Only after the fall of Malta in 870 did the occidental Christians succeeded in setting up an army capable of fighting the Muslims. Over the next two decades, most of the mainland was freed from Muslim rule. The Franco-Roman emperor Louis II conquered Brindisi and beat the Arabs at Bari in 871, but then fell captive to the Aghlabids. In his stead the Byzantines conquered Taranto in 880. A small number of Arabian strongholds in the south lasted until 885, for example Santa Severina Crotone in Calabria. In 882 the Muslims had founded at the mouth of Garigliano River between Naples and Rome a new base further in the north, which was in league with Gaeta, and had attacked Campania as well as Sabinia in Lazio. A hundred years later the Byzantines called the Sicilian Arabs for support against a campaign of German emperor Otto II. They beat Otto at Taranto in 982 in the battle at Crotone and in the next 200 years largely succeeded in preventing his successors from entering southern Italy.
In 1002 Bari was again conquered by the Arabs, but was soon recaptured by the Byzantines. Melus (Melo), Emir of Bari 1009–1019, stood up against the Byzantines and called the Normans for help. Melus, of Lombard-Arabic origin, is depicted as Ismahel (Ismail) on the gold-embroidered "Sternenmantel" he gave to German emperor Henry II.
After the Aghlabids were defeated in Ifriqiya as well, Sicily fell in the 10th century to their Fatimid successors, but claimed independence after fights between Sunni and Shia Muslims under the Kalbids.
[edit]Invasions in Piedmont
After they had conquered the Visigoth State in Spain, the Arabs and Berbers 729-765 from Septimania and Narbonne carried out raids into northern Italy, and in 793 again invaded southern France (Nice 813, 859 and 880). In 888 Andalusian Muslims set up a new base in Fraxinetnear Frejus in French Provence, from where they started raids along the coast and in inner France.
In 915, after the Battle of Garigliano, the Muslims lost their base in southern Lazio. In 926 King Hugh of Italy called the Arabs to fight against his northern Italian rivals. In 934 and 935 Genoa and La Spezia were attacked, followed by Nice in 942. In Piedmont the Muslims got as far as Asti and Novi, and also moved northwards along the Rhône valley and the western flank of the Alps. After defeating Burgundian troops, in 942-964 they conquered Savoy and occupied a part of Switzerland (952-960). Swiss town names such as Saaz still mark the Arabic presence in the area. To fight the Arabs, Emperor Berengar I, Hugh’s rival, called the Hungarians, who in their turn devastated northern Italy. Under the pressure of German kings, Fraxinet had to be given up in 972, but thirty years later, in 1002, Genoa was invaded, and in 1004 Pisa.
Pisa und Genoa joined forces to end Muslim rule over Corsica (Islamic 810/850-930/1020) and Sardinia. In Sardinia in 1015 the fleet of the Andalusian lord of Dénia come from Spain, settled a temporary military camp as a logistic base to control Tyrrhenian Sea and Italian peninsula, but in 1016 the fleet was forced to leave its base due to the military intervetion of maritime republics of Genoa and Pisa.
[edit]Sicily under the Normans

Former palace of the Emir: Palazzo dei Normanni.

San Giovanni degli Eremiti: Arabian-Roman-Norman symbiosis.

Arabic inscription on the Coronation Mantle.
The cultural and economical bloom in Sicily that had started under the Kalbids was interrupted by internecine fights, followed by invasions by the Tunisian Zirids (1027), Pisa (1030–1035), and the Roman (1027 onwards). Eastern Sicily (Messina, Syracuse and Taormina) was captured by the Byzantines in 1038–1042. In 1059 Normans from southern Italy, led by Roger I, invaded the island. The Normans conquered Reggio in 1060 (conquered by the Romanin 1027). Messina fell to the Normans in 1061; an invasion by the Algerian Hammadids to preserve Islamic rule was thwarted in 1063 by the fleets of Genoa and Pisa. The loss of Palermo in 1072 and of Syracuse in 1088 could not be prevented. Noto and the last Muslim strongholds on Sicily fell in 1091. In 1090-91 the Normans also conquered Malta; Pantelleria fell in 1123.
A sizable Muslim population remained on Sicily under the Normans.[7][8] The Roger II hosted at his court, among others, the famous geographer Muhammad al-Idrisi and the poet Muhammad ibn Zafar. At first, Muslims were tolerated by the Normans, but soon pressure from the Popes led to their increasing discrimination; most mosques were destroyed or made into churches.[citation needed] The first Sicilian Normans did not take part in the Crusades, but they undertook a number of invasions and raids in Ifriqiya, before they were defeated there after 1157 by the Almohads.
The peaceful coexistence in Sicily finally ended with the death of King William II in 1189. The Muslim elite emigrated at that time. Their medical knowledge was preserved in the Schola Medica Salernitana; an Arabian-Roman-Norman synthesis in art and architecture survived asSicilian Romanesque. The remaining Muslims fled, for example to Caltagirone on Sicily, or hid out in the mountains and continued to resist against the Hohenstaufen dynasty, who ruled the island from 1194 on. In the heartland of the island, the Muslims declared Ibn Abbad the last Emir of Sicily.
To end this upheaval, emperor Frederick II,[9] himself a Crusader, instigated a policy to rid Sicily of the few remaining Muslims. This cleansing was done in small part under Papal influence but mostly in order to create a loyal force of troops which could not be influenced by non-Christian infiltrators. In 1224–1239 he deported every single Muslim from Sicily to an autonomous colony under strict military control (so that they could not infiltrate non-Muslim areas) in Lucera in Apulia. Muslims were recruited however by Frederick in the army and constituted his faithful personal bodyguard, since they had no connection to his political rivals. In 1249 he ejected the Muslims from Malta as well. Lucera was returned to the Christians in 1300 at the instigation of the pope by King Charles II of Naples. Muslims were forcefully converted, killed or expelled from Europe . However an Arab community was still recorded in Apulia in 1336[10] and very recently in 2009, a genetic study revealed a significant genetic Northwest African contribution among today's inhabitants near the region of Lucera.[11]
[edit]15th century: Ottomans in Otranto
During this century, the Ottoman Empire was expanding mightily in southeastern Europe. It completed the absorption of the Roman Empire in 1453 under Sultan Mehmet II by conquering Constantinople and Galata. It seized Genoa's last bastions in the Black Sea in 1475 and Venice's Greek colony of Euboea in 1479. Turkish troops invaded the Friuli region in northeastern Italy in 1479 and again in 1499–1503. The Apulian harbor town of Otranto, located about 100 kilometers southeast of Brindisi, was seized in 1480 (Ottoman invasion of Otranto), but the Turks were routed there in 1481 when Mehmet died and a war for his succession broke out. Cem, pretender to the Ottoman throne, was defeated despite being supported by the pope; he fled with his family to the Kingdom of Naples, where his male descendants were bestowed with the title of Principe de Sayd by the Pope in 1492. They lived in Naples until the 17th century and in Sicily until 1668 before relocating to Malta.
[edit]Attacks in the 16th century
It is a subject of debate whether Otranto was meant to be the base for further conquests. In any case, the Ottoman sultans had not given up their ambition to end Christianity in Rome and to install Islamic sovereignty.[citation needed] After the conquests of Ragusa (Dubrovnik)and Hungary in 1526 and the defeat of the Turkish army at Vienna in 1529, Turkish fleets again attacked southern Italy. In 1512 and 1526 the Ottomans conquered Reggio and in 1537 more of Calabria and in 1538 they defeated the Venetian Fleet. In 1539 Nice was raided by theBarbary states (Siege of Nice), but an attempted Turkish landing on Sicily failed, as did the attempted conquest of Pantelleria in 1553 and the siege of Malta in 1565.
Next to Spain, the biggest contribution to the victory of the Christian "Holy League" in the battle of Lepanto in 1571 was made by theRepublic of Venice, which between 1423 and 1718 fought eight costly wars against the Ottoman Empire.
[edit]Present situation
This article needs additional citations for verification.
Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.(July 2008)

Mosque of Rome , in Rome, the largest in Europe

Interior of the annexed mosque
According to latest Italian official statistics, Muslims make up about 34% of the 2,400,000 foreign residents living in Italy as of January 1, 2005.[citation needed] To these 820,000 foreign residents of Muslim heritage legally residing in Italy, another 100,000-150,000 should be added, as Muslims represent, according to annual estimates by the Italian association Caritas, about 40% of Italy's illegal immigrants.
Despite illegal immigrants representing a minority of the Muslim presence in Italy, the issue of Islam in contemporary Italy has been linked by some political parties (particularly the 'Northern League' or 'Lega Lombarda') with immigration, and more specifically illegal immigration. Immigration has become a prominent political issue, as reports of boatloads of illegal immigrants or clandestini dominate news programmes, especially in the summertime. Police forces have not had great success in intercepting many of the thousands of clandestini who land on Italian beaches, mainly because of the sheer length of the Italian coastline, some 8,000 km in total. However, many of the clandestini landing in Italy are only using Italy as a gateway to other EU nations, due to the fact Italy offers fewer economic opportunities for them than Germany or France, and because among theclandestini Italian society has a reputation of being more hostile to them.[citation needed]
The number of foreign Muslims who have been granted Italian nationality is estimated between 30,000 and 50,000, while Italian converts to Islam are estimated to number less than 10,000.
Muslims represent today 1.4% of Italy's population[citation needed], a percentage much lower than that of other major EU countries, and still slightly lower than that recorded in Italy between the middle of the 9th century and the end of the 13th century, before the removal of the last Muslim strongholds in Puglia in 1300.
While in Medieval times the Muslim population was almost totally concentrated in Insular (Sicily) and Southern (Calabria, Puglia) Italy, it is today more evenly distributed, with almost 55% of Muslims living in the North of Italy, 25% in the Centre, and only 20% in the South. Muslims form a lower proportion of immigrants then in previous years, as the latest statistical reports by the Italian Ministry of Interior and Caritas indicate that the share of Muslims among new immigrants has declined from over 50% at the beginning of the 1990s (mainly Albanians and Moroccans) to less than 25% in the following decade.
Recent points of contention between native Italians and the Muslim immigrant population include the presence of crucifixes in public buildings including school classrooms, government offices, and hospital wards. Adel Smith has attracted considerable media attention by demanding that crucifixes in public facilities be removed. The Italian Council of State, in the Sentence No. 556, 13 February 2006, confirmed the display of the crucifix in government sponsored spaces. Smith was subsequently charged with defaming the Catholic religion in 2006.[12]
There have been a number of cases of extraordinary rendition of Muslim activists as well as attempts by the current government to close mosques.[13] In September 2008 the Northern League was reported to have introduced a new bill which would block the construction of new mosques in much of the country. The construction of mosques has already been blocked in Milan. The government argues that Muslims can pray anywhere, and don't need a mosque.[14]
Italy does not have many prominent Muslim scholars. Many Muslims would rely on the opinions of foreign scholars. Many Deobandies, for example,would forward all their queries to a scholar from South Africa, Mufti Ismail Moosa.[15]
A minority of Italian Muslims belong to religious associations, the best known of which are:
 AMI, Assemblea Musulmana d'Italia (Italian Muslim Assembly and the Cultural Institute of the Italian Islamic Community)[16]
 CCII, Centro Culturale Islamico d'Italia (Islamic Cultural Center in Rome), which has its seat what is reputed to be the largest mosque in Europe[17]
 CO.RE.IS, Comunità Religiosa Islamica (Islamic Religious Community) in Milan[18]
 UMI, Unione dei musulmani d'Italia (Union of Italian Muslims), led by Adel Smith
[edit]See also
 History of Islam in southern Italy
 Islam by country
 Religion in Italy
 Christianity in Italy
 Sikhism in Italy
 Jews in Italy
 Buddhism in Italy
 List of Italian religious minority politicians
 Islamic dress controversy in Europe
[edit]Notes and references
1. ^ Statistiche demografiche ISTAT
2. ^ Jeff Israely, "In Catholic Italy, Islam Makes Inroads," Globe Correspondent, Islamic News Bulletin, Issue 20, August 2000
3. ^ A rising tide of Muslims in Italy puts pressure on Catholic culture | csmonitor.com
4. ^ Council for Italian Islam description page on Italian Minister of the Interior website
5. ^ Islam, Islamism and Jihadism in Italy by Lorenzo Vidino on Hudson Institute website
6. ^ News from Corriere della Sera archive
7. ^ Tracing The Norman Rulers of Sicily
8. ^ The Administration of the Norman Kingdom of Sicily
9. ^ Frederick II: A Medieval Emperor
10. ^ Norman Daniels, The Arabs and Medieval Europe, London, Longmann Group Limited, 1975
11. ^ "An inspection of Table 1 reveals a nonrandom distribution of Male Northwest African types in the Italian peninsula, with at least a twofold increase over the Italian average estimate in three geographically close samples across the southern Apennine mountains (East Campania, Northwest Apulia, Lucera). When pooled together, these three Italian samples displayed a local frequency of 4.7%, significantly different from the North and the rest of South Italy (…). Arab presence is historically recorded in these areas following Frederick II’s relocation of Sicilian Arabs",Moors and Saracens in Europe estimating the medieval North African male legacy in southern Europe, Capelli et al., European Journal of Human Genetics, 21 January 2009
12. ^ Catalyst Magazine
13. ^ Milan mosque 'to be closed down'
14. ^ Italy's right to curb Islam with mosque law
15. ^ (http://islam.forumup.it/viewforum.php?f=42&mforum=islam&sid=235352cf6e14a5414e232d1ef6279c6d)
16. ^ Italian Muslim Assembly website
17. ^ The Grand Mosque of Rome and Islamic Cultural Centre
18. ^ COREIS website
[edit]Further reading
 Allievi, Stefano (July 2003). "Sociology of a Newcomer: Muslim Migration to Italy - Religious Visibility, Cultural and Political Reactions".Immigrants and Minorities 22 (2-3): 141–154. doi:10.1080/0261928042000244790.
[edit]External links
 Links: Islam in Western Europe:Italy
 Islam, Islamism and Jihadism in Italy
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